Friday, September 14, 2007

The Ivy League Is Not The Goal

If they make it there--super. But what are the most worthy aspirations? I know this mommy needs some perspective on occasion.

Lord, be with us and all our children.

Give them the courage to be different,
to be themselves,
to be faithful to all whom they know,
to all that they believe.

Give them patience and wisdom to
know all that You ask of them.

Let their hands be used in service to others,
their feet to hasten to the needs of the poor,
their eyes to see the beauty of our world,
their ears to hear with compassion
the call of the poor,
their hearts to love and to bless
all whom are and will become
part of their lives.

And, finally, give us the courage to let them grow,
grow away from us,
as they grow in wisdom, grace, and age
before God and man, under your care.

(Sent home by Ethan's Kindergarten teacher. Not sure if she composed this.)

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