Friday, July 06, 2007

41...Came and Went

The day that marked my 41st year was just OK. Jim and the kids remembered and I heard from my loyal contingent of birthday die hards. God bless them.

I just don't feel like blogging much lately. I just have to get the spirit again.

You just have to get up the next day and deal. Even if the inspiration eludes you. Your kids don't care that you're not feelin' it. So, you go through the motions and hope something sticks along the way.

This will pass. It always does.

Ethan loved Avalance Ranch Bible camp. McKenna wished that she could go. Karate resumes next week. Then swim lessons. Then Safety City safety camp. McKenna is at Creme de la Creme and has started to accept her fate as a pre-schooler. My sweet baby girl.

Lots of social commitments over the next month and then we're in full swing for back-to-school. Ethan starts Kindergarten. My precious baby boy.

That's all I can muster tonight.

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