Thursday, July 12, 2007

Can't Wait Until This Week Ends!

OK...this week has officially been the absolute worst in years. My biggest Ethan challenge to date. Nothing insurmountable...just very humbling for this Mom who prides herself on being kinda decent at this raising-children-thing. Just when you think you have it all figured out, your child will throw you a major curve ball. Like Mommy, Ethan is intense, anxious and I dare say more than a little complicated. He often asks me about death. He worries about becoming poor. (?) He cries over the mildest of sentimentality in movies, TV, and in books. So, it's fair to say that I'm accustomed to Ethan's cloudy side. I just wasn't prepared for this week's challenge. I'll leave it at that. Nothing abnormal or earth shattering. Just a real test of my parenting skills and my ability to turn a challenge into an opportunity. Sometimes, this is a really, really hard job. And I had to handle it on my own as Jim was in NY this week.

My Dad had some tough medical news today. The issue is treatable and in many cases curable. Still, it may involve surgery and further treatment. My thoughts and prayers are with him tonight.

Behind, behind, behind on everything related to the house. And I mean everything.

Tapped on words at the moment. Goodnight.

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